Sand-Punk Survivor Ch.3


Ch.3 Way Back Home…No place like home…sweet home 

Hanuman took the alien sword from crab guy and holstered it upon his back with a vine and 

then whistled to all the animals nearby who followed him and they marched into the sunrise.”

 next stop Onyx Temple where one of the most feared Warriors of pyre dwells. A murder Cube… 

a being made solely to murder and be a cube, but we’ll show it won’t we crabGuy said to the 

shark dragon. "I don’t know I might need some better weapons and armor!" said the crustacean. 

Ok! let's try to find a market where we can get something like a battlesuit for us all. “Maybe there

 was something like that back at that factory we raided last week.” “you don't have time to be

 turning around like that,” said the monkey king. “you might be the ones with the alien weapons

 but we need an armored suit we can't just all jump around and fling from branches with our tail.”

 “Fair enough I just don't see why I have to follow you all the way back to your hometown I'll 

meet you back here in two weeks”

“I'm not sure we'll make it back that soon but if not we'll send some form of Courier to notify 

you,” said the dragon shark. when they got back to the coast they were well received by the

 local Bannga tribe who offered as much help as they could muster.  with the help of the local

 penny-pinching merchants and Jawa-Esque. they crafted a beautiful Gold Silver Platinum alloy

 mech suit which was lined with gold trim containing Ruby Crystal power within the center of

 the chest piece. The best part was crab guy could walk in it just like his normal body. I had on 

the other hand had a hard time carrying that much weight around it was already hard enough 

carrying a spear and crossbow much less than an extra 50 lb power armor. I must say though 

it did make me feel quite safe to be near.


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