Sand-Punk Survivor Ch.7 (Begining of Pt.2)


Ch. 7 The Dew of The Stars

upon leaving Rayuba the protagonist <The Electro-Dragon> decided to shave the side of their 

head. to fit the rapidly progressing cyberpunk fashion of the time period as well as reflect their

 rebellious attitude about the corrupt Churn Barrons controlling the Bastion Empire at the time for 

their own profits instead of helping the people. The journey into the Stars was dramatic. The 

Aurua of everybody in the ship was tense, to say the least. Crab Guy said he needed a new name

 “call me Doe Man Pincher now” snapping his claws at everyone jokingly to lighten the mood. 

once they were in the upper atmosphere things seem to relax as the gravity made them 

weightless and they had to increase the gravity manually inside their ship the Salvia skipper. It 

was Green and covered with an ancient Moss animated light blue almost Neon Flame. The 

Salvia Skipper was powered by "Demon-Energy" from within its engine room. Technically it was

 classified as a hybrid because it could run on human power as well; or essentially crystal 

energy from the Sun.

 It was truly like nothing you have ever seen before. I am speaking of the stars of course...never

 had I seen them shining so bright. Most of the time she slept but started writing lesbian

 romance novels on the side. Solar flares from the Sun also produced incandescence which 

captured her perverted imagination. Ma'lel the planet of ice and snow was fast approaching. It 

was a full moon the night we encountered an abandoned alien ship full of medicine vials and 

syringes. Bat person was extremely excited. "I don't know what all these are."

" I am going to have to perform a series of tests." He said very official-like and professionally as 

any good doctor. There were long series of tubes with small cacti like needles attached to the 

end. I hope they don't mean experimenting on us"...Aranea said frightened.

We all had dinner that night in the mess hall. what's for dinner CrabGuy? "We are having

 green onion roots grilled with instant mash potatoes and cannabis leaves grown

 hydroponically". "Nice", I replied to my crustaceusly crabby companion... "I often wonder

 at times like this how Pandetto is doing back on Rayuba since I had to leave him in the

 Beast Jungle because I feared the journey into Black Onyx Temple would be too

 treacherous for him. He is probably living happily with a family, maybe even learned how

 to drive a rickshaw or a taxi of some form or another back on the Rayuban coast. 

Bat Guy met with me after. I am concerned about the crew and our exposure to radiation

 he said.  in a low concerned tone as to not arouse the suspicion of the other crew 

member. The Time has come for us to get inside The Anti-Rad Chamber which Bat -Guy

 had termed so because of its solid thick lead exterior which was 10 ft. thick and wide.

They only had to be there a couple of days but being that close to everyone in such low

 light conditions produced a psychedelic effect comparable to that of Dragons-Tongue

I smoked Dragons-Tongue regularly in a long glass Nectar Collector so I must have built 

a tolerance to its active component a new chemical known as DHC. Most of the crew

 would quarrel and were stressed but I remained calm

 keeping mostly to myself. except for a moment when Batman tried to have sex with me,

 but I told him that I was not really into him at the moment, but maybe some other time, 

and that I am Pan-sexual and love everyone, even bats. A red light flashed in the Lead 

chamber signaling we were out of the danger zone which produced harmful cancerous 


Later That night I had a strange dream of Mandalas & Fractal Geometries everywhere 

around me and a human on a cross and another human stabbing his side. He then 

ascended into the sun and came back as an alien! What does all this mean? I had to 

briefly ask myself. Pluto looked surreal from here. It was like a snowball drifting among 

the other stars like a drop of dew...It all just means NOTHING...Meaningless in its 

entirety, born just to die they thought to themselves in a state of momentary 

enlightenment with void less everything.


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