SandPunk Survivor Ch.10 (Final Chapter)


Ch.10 Father-Hood

I decided I better get my adventuring out of the way before my kids were born. I decided it would be best if

 they came with me back to the ship so they could leave this infected world. They agreed and followed me 

back to the portal which took us back to the underground grotto. I knew they would not be able to breathe 

the mile stretch back to the planet's surface so I made them re-breather mask beforehand which used a 

rare kind of crystal known as Netibite found in Rayuba that allowed one's lungs to temporarily extract 

oxygen from the water. Upon returning to the ship I had Lorretta take a look at the Demonic Engine. 


The Seductive and pregnant red panda spoke up. I've never seen anything like this before but

 it appears that you need some form of coolant. "Coolant!" Aranea explained. "we are on a

 planet made of ice, how hard could it be?" The 4 cast a quick detect Ice spell which located 

a nearby cave filled with a material that looked a lot like ice in it, but it was liquid and flowed 

down the deep cavern like a river. I filled up a barrel of the Argon-Like substance, which I had

 found on the limited cargo hull of the ship which had been used to store water on the original 

trip here before Bat guy had savagely murdered the entire crew. It was then a shrieking sound

 came from the darkness. 

It was bat Guy! Obviously out for revenge. With a large scar on his head from where I punched

 him. I had to protect my lovers and the children inside them we had created. I pulled out my

 two Uzis and said a Prayer to Aeesma asking for forgiveness for the violence I was about to

 inflict. Bat Guy flew into the air of the cave which was dark and I could not see him, but he

 could see me with his echo-location. I had to find a source of light but where? I rolled on the 

ground hoping to buy some time. The glowing rocks which were used to light the rave fell from

 the satchel I had made from otters hides on the Rayuban Coast. This lit the cavern with an

 emerald tint allowing me enough light to create a wall of bullets from which Dracula was not 

able to escape sending him hurtling down a dark cavernous pit that seemed to continue 

indefinitely. I was getting really tired of this planet but how to get off? The girls waited for me

 outside the cave, relieved I had made it back in one piece. “Let's go relax…” “The babies don’t 

need that kind of drama.” Aranea said to their new family.

They start growing mushrooms on the ship and living in space again


Fin End of Pt.2


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