Temple of the feathered serpent -cosmic jaguar song review

      Temple of the Feathered Serpent-Cosmic Jaguar https://cosmicjaguar.bandcamp.com/track/temple-of-the-feathered-serpent?fbclid=IwAR28TjpvqQ2C1KCa_SQEbhY-ywGZ7H3T2OOFJF-QU-Rbnlsn82yMhgwnBUQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5fcLWKU74I  #1 Temple of the Feathered Serpent (obviously)  Members of the band  Denis Tomillo- Drummer Juan Maestro-Guitar(Bestial invasion, ex-sunrise) Sergio Lunatico-Vocals & Bass Guitar,Lyrics/Songwriter   This was excellent, I really liked the Large Dragons by ancient temples in their Youtube video. It says on an old forum post in the metal archives that they are a ukrainian band which is interesting. The South American tribal themes such as the god the rainbow serpent are not entirely new to me but still rarely encountered. “Temple of the Feathered Serpent” is definitely a modern day stoner metal classic I hope you all will soon come to know and love!. Their lyrics written by Sergio Lunatico are extremely original in my opinion and deserve some recognition for this fact.    Songwriting 10/10 Musicianship 8.5/10 Memorability 10/10 Production 10/10   Brynn Kali StarDew


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