Bangga Beast Master Ch.1



For many years their family wandered in space living a nomadic life of traveling merchants selling

 wares in an interplanetary market on what we call Pluto. There were many rare artifacts which 

they sold including Vacus, a rare mineral which was capable of cutting diamond. Aranea and 

Cassandra had a child together who grew to develop one of the first arcade games since the war

 which their father had nobly fought in. This is that story. 


I "The Great Nyuu" programmed my own arcade game as a young child (about three terra 

years) the game was essentially like Ace Attorney phoenix wright however it is a virtual 

reality and not licensed by Nintendo.  It also helps kids learn about the legal system where

 it is based so it’s educational. 

My dad Aranea the electro-dragon wanted to market it back on Rayuba and help their young child

 obtain the recognition they deserved. 

“It’ll be ok Son we will be there soon” said Aranea to their bi-pedal cobra dragon shark 

child who’s name was Nyuu(later changed to Nyuu the great). They had four arms as well 

from the injection which was received by bat person on Melal, and could fire lasers from 

their third eye from a young age as well.

    Their other children Din-Din a playful and wandering spirit, as well as Pan-Pan Their beautiful 

daughter with Loretta the Red Panda. They also had the four-arm genetic trait from their parent 

Aranea who had also learned to levitate recently using the cosmic gauntlets or cestus as they 

were sometimes referred to as a jetpack to levitate above the ground. The reverse could also 

generate a powerful jumping which could be followed by swift kicks and punches.’

As a Parent, Aranea has tried to educate their children in the ways of fist law and the 

different kinds of cosmic gauntlets, weapons sold at cosmic farmers' markets, and can

 essentially be made out of any material. Some are programmed to help you organize 

equipment, some are for traveling, some can speed or slow time, etc… 

Their mothers on the other hand were masters of their own. This is their story….


Ch.1 Welcome Home …Not (see what I did there)

Their Mothers didn’t want them to only study Martial Arts, Music,the arts of Gardening, and 

Scavenging with me so they kept them nearby to teach them things like Math, Computers, and

 an ancient language on their planet called English. I’m not sure what good any of that will 

ever do for them but my son Nyuu has seemed to be onto something with this lawyer game of

 his. I am older now, about 12 years have passed since the events on Rayuba. My girls also 

teach them how to make ancient sculptures from their time called Pinatas, which they all beat 

with sticks on their birthdays and we fill them with sweets. I lay on my Bed on the ship looking 

into the stars wondering what Rayuba will look like after all the years. Its two Suns remain in 

the sky, however it feels silly to call any man this but "Paternum" is no longer there I hear. 

"When I lived there I could swear he was close to a god, but now, a pathetic joke to me....No

 man is God; for me are all of them are just...Nothing...meaningless empty husk meant to be

 crushed on the wheel!"

We Finally made it back to my hometown on the Northern Coast. There we started our own 

little cosmic farmers market where I sold Stone and Bone Cestus to would-be practitioners of

 fist arts on the nearby islands, I sold spears made of bone and stone as well, Crossbows,

 Electricity Whips, Small Dwarf beetles like the ones on Ma'lel, and Nyuu got to sell his virtual 

arcade game which was just as successful as any of my en-devours. Things were looking 

good! My son Din-Din had purchased their own property on the other side of the coast and

 was starting a homestead. Pan-Pan had even started an online store and was getting into art 

and music and was helping me design characters for my novels. I was proud of all of them. 

Things were going great...Until she showed up. A young Bat Girl, I was always suspicious of 

them after what happened with my crew 12 years ago on Ma'lel but now my past had caught 

up to me...cause I had fallen in love. Her name was Seras. She was about 5'8" and had short

 brown and grey fur, a long nose and short fangs, and cartilage piercings four on each ear. She

 was just a young girl when the war for Rayubas independence broke out and people became 

desperate. Many warriors were created in these times of terror. It was in these times when I 

became the master of Fist law you see before you today.  She showed up to play Nyuu's game 

regularly and wanted to buy my Bone gauntlets one day. I just gave her a pair for free and 

offered her a lesson but she said "it was ok"..."Dang, I was striking out." "Perhaps she wasn't

 interested in me and was more interested in Nyuu and I should focus on helping him get the 

girl, so he doesn't end up a lonely video-game programmer Otaku armchair lord..." I thought at 

that moment. 


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